
Object: Psychic

Containment: Clausa

Risk: Rare

Type: Apparel


UNA-075 appears to be a long-sleeved piece of clothing. While the dimensions remain the same, different humans will view UNA-075 in different forms, such as a sweater, or suit, based on what the viewer believes to be most comfortable at the time. If a person views UNA-075, they will have an uncontrollable urge to put it on.

When put on, UNA-075 at first appears to have no effects, and can even improve the morale and confidence in a person in several cases. However, after about 4 hours of wearing, the wearer will suddenly feel extreme discomfort. Several test subjects have stated that 'it feels like there is acid burning my skin'. During the full period of wearing, UNA-075 cannot be taken off. It appears to have been attached to the skin by some unidentified adhesive.

This process will take around another 2 hours, at which point large red lesions would have appeared on the palms, neck and face of the wearer. The wearer will soon expire for unknown reasons, at which point UNA-075 can be removed. Analysis of samples from one of UNA-075's victims have shown that wearing UNA-075 causes skin under the piece of clothing to dry up at an accelerated rate. The skin will begin to rot, while other parts of the body will begin suffering from lesions. Through the entire process UNA-075 does not take any damage.

Others viewing the wearer at this stage will not stop to help the wearer, but instead start to compliment the clothing. They will also be compelled to put the clothing on after the wearer expires, at which point the process will begin again.

UNA-075 has shown to be tear-resistant, waterproof, and cannot be damaged in any way.


UNA-075 was first found when an incident occurred at the [REDACTED] clothing outlet. A couple of people wished to try out a new suit that was on display, however were all killed by UNA-075. When the incident was later reported to UNAS-F, UNAS-F-2 were dispatched to retrieve the anomaly. The bodies of the victims were never recovered, and the shop owner was found to have been situated within the store for the full duration of the incident. The owner was detained, interviewed, and was subsequently administered amnestics.

Containment Protocol

UNA-075 is to be kept in an opaque garment bag in Containment Cell 75 in Site 7a. The garment bag is to be hung on a rack within the triple-locked room. The keys to each lock is to be handed out to three separate UNAS-F-4 personnel, and only if all agree to unlock the door can the cell be opened.

During testing, UNAS-F-1 are to be placed within the cell and observed remotely by other UNAS-F-1, to decrease the risk of researchers falling for the effects of UNA-075. The UNAS-F-1 viewing the wearer are to type down all their observations and send them to researchers. If a job is well done, eventual termination of UNAS-F-1 may be delayed to a later date.



Below is the interview between Dr. [REDACTED], and the store owner.


Dr: So, [REDACTED], you own the [REDACTED] clothing outlet, correct?

Owner: Yes, well, technically, I'm only the manager or the outlet. My boss can be contacted at —

Dr: It's fine, I just want to talk to you. Can you explain what was going on in the store, before we took you away? With that… piece of clothing?

Owner: Uhm, well, I haven't seen it before, isn't in the [REDACTED] list of products. The shoppers were quite content with it, and all of them wanted to try it on for some reason. So I let them. You know, they were my customers.

Dr: And you never wanted to try it on?

Owner: I did, the suit's material was really good, but they were my customers, so I had to let them first.

Dr: Okay, and what happened next?

Owner: The first guy went in, and he didn't come out for ten straight minutes. We thought he was, like, sleeping inside. Another guy called out, but heard nothing but silence. The others decided to 'give him a good rest', *Owner makes air quotations* and so we did. He didn't make a noise for about 4 more hours, when a few customers heard screams from inside. It was a mess, the guy had injuries all over him, and the smell in the testing room was horrible, like rotten flesh. So I ran out of the store for help.

Dr: And?

Owner: Well, I told the police, right? But by the time they got here, everyone was gone! Like, in 5 minutes flat! Everything was gone except the suit. The police just brushed me away, did checks and then you guys came.

Dr: Yes, I see. Well, [REDACTED], is there anything else you'd like to add? Perhaps some other observations?

Owner: No, I think I've told you everything I've seen, but please, doctor, I would just like to go back to my store and continue with my life. Can I… like, go now?

Dr: Yes, that can be arranged.



On December 14, 2020, due to a researcher forgetting to transport UNA-075 victim remains to the incineration Site, the cadavers of the victims were left unattended to for about 3 days. On December 16, video footage was checked as per usual, when interesting footage was captured.

It appears that if no person directly views the dead victims of UNA-075, the bodies will begin to disintegrate at an accelerated rate, with all the remains eventually disappearing within 5 hours. Requests to conduct more tests on UNA-075 have been approved to discover the cause of this phenomenon.

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