
Object: Psychic

Containment: Primus

Risk: Incertum

Type: Homus


UNA-062 is a species of humanoid figures, about 2.4m tall on average. They have fully black eyes, extremely sharp teeth, and a long pin protruding from the ends of each middle finger.

Analysis of UNA-062's blood, which has variable colour (often it is red, but may occasionally be green, blue or even transparent), shows varying levels and concentration of different chemicals within the blood, many of which are fatal to humans. UNA-062 instances may contain blood with uranium concentrations above 5%, or cyanide concentrations above 50%. Instances have also been recorded having water for blood.

UNA-062 instances have also been seen altering their blood concentrations, for blood both inside and outside their body. An experiment with an instance was conducted, in which two blood samples were taken, 1 hour apart. In the first sample, the instance's blood contained 57% red blood cells, 12% white blood cells, 1% platelets and 30% neon. In the second sample, there was only 13% neon (all other substances' concentrations remained the same), as well as the addition of a new substance, lighter fluid, which took up 17% of the instance's blood.

Another experiment was conducted, in which an instance was allowed to look at his own blood sample, but not to touch it. The blood sample, which originally was identical to human blood, was instead filled with 50% cyanide an hour later.

UNA-062 has a long pin on the end of its middle fingers, about 15cm long. The pin appears to be similar to those found on injection needles, made of steel. It is unknown how UNA-062 integrates the metal into its own body. The pin, which is extremely sharp, can pierce human skin easily. UNA-062 appears to be a predatory species, feeding on the blood and flesh of humans. UNA-062 will often first pierce their pins into the shoulders of humans, inject a volume of blood, which is usually toxic.

The victim will almost always die within 3 minutes of exposure, at which point UNA-062 will begin to collect blood of the victim through the pin. After the victim has been fully drained of blood, UNA-062 instances will begin to devour the victim rather messily. The instance will then leave, leaving the bones of the victim behind.

To date, it is believed that UNA-062 has a population of 60 thousand.


UNA-062 was discovered when video surveillance of UNA-062 instances consuming a victim was sent to Site 1 by the Egyptian government. The event, which had apparently occurred in Cairo, had not been witnessed by many people, prompted the UNAS-F to dispatch a few soldiers to contain the anomalous humanoids. It was at this point a gigantic underground basement was discovered, assumed to contain at least 50 instances. The place was raided, and the few instances inside were contained.

When other countries began sending surveillance feed of UNA-062, the UNAS-F sent out a large group of researchers to determine the extent of UNA-062's spread on the Earth. What was discovered was that UNA-062 could be found on all parts of the world, but was most populous in regions near the equator.

Containment Protocol

Currently, the UNAS-F has around 300 instances of UNA-062 in containment. All 300 instances are stored in separate containment cells in Site 31. The cells are separated by a 30cm thick concrete wall.

Each containment cell is to be guarded by a single UNAS-F-2, who is not to be anywhere less than one meter from the containment cell. Unauthorised entry by personnel is not allowed, and resistance is to be met with force.

Only UNAS-F-6 and above are allowed access to UNA-062 instances, except during testing, in which case only UNAS-F-1 are allowed to go near UNA-062 instances.

In the case of a containment breach, UNAS-F-2 team, 2-07, 'Humanoid Hunters', are to be dispatched to contain the UNA-062 instance. UNA-062 instances discovered by the UNAS-F are also to be captured and contained. The underground bunker in which UNA-062 instances were first found is to be raided once every two weeks to find new instances of UNA-062.



After two UNA-062 instances were exposed to each other for approximately 48 hours, with no interaction, one instance began to move towards the other, injecting its pin into the shoulder of the other instance. The instance cried out, as if in pain, and all remote surveillance equipment lost power, and could not be rebooted for about 2 hours. Afterwards, the equipment started up again, and showed 3 instances instead of 2.

It appears that, although how it happens is unknown, UNA-062 is capable of reproduction. The UNAS-F-7 are currently deciding if the Foundation should allow UNA-062 instances to breed.

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