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Unexplainable Numbered Anomaly: 046

R. I. C. Class: White-1-2

Object Properties: Degenerative


UNA-046 is the designation for two clockwork devices UNA-046-1 and UNA-046-2. Both devices are identical in appearance with the exception of their colour, and have bronze outer coverings in the design of swallows. UNA-046 is completely impervious to damage, preventing the devices from being affected by each other's (or their own) effects.

UNA-046-1 is white in colour, and affects all objects within around 4 to 5 meters of it. Objects affected by UNA-046-1 appear to "last" longer, and can function for a much longer time than would normally be expected. For instance, fires burn for longer, electronic devices function for a longer period of time before dying, chemical reactions anomalously last longer despite proceeding at the same rate, hence producing a greater proportion of products, and organic beings under UNA-046-1's influence age slower. It is to be noted that time does not pass slower in UNA-046-1's radius of effect, and objects affected experience time at the same rate.

In contrast, UNA-046-2 is black in colour, and affects all objects within around 12 to 15 meters of it. Objects affected by UNA-046-2 appear to "last" much shorter, dying out or becoming too worn out to function while only being used for a relatively short amount of time. Examples include the accelerated consumption of fuel or power in devices despite being used at the same rate, giving identical results, accelerated aging of organic beings, accelerated rate of decay and disintegration, as well as accelerated rates of reaction to completion. Individuals within UNA-046-2's area of effect claim to feel senses of dread or fear, and appear to be far more vulnerable to diseases and infections.

The common theme around UNA-046 appears to be entropy, with objects affected by UNA-046-1 and -2 experiencing a lower and higher rate of entropy respectively.

Past records, as well as the use of a swallow in UNA-046's design and its obvious connections to the philosophical idea of Yin and Yang, confirm UNA-046's origins and use in ancient China. UNA-046-1 appears to have been used as a way to increase the lifespan of emperors, while UNA-046-2 was used to accelerate the fermentation and formation of wine.


UNA-046-1 and UNA-046-2 were discovered as antiques in a local bank in China. Its anomalous properties were first discovered after bank notes placed into a vault containing UNA-046-2 appeared to biodegrade at much higher rates, sometimes even going missing, prompting investigation. UNA-046-2, as well as all other artifacts appearing similar to it, were confiscated by the UNAS-F branch in China. Later testing lead to UNA-046-1 and UNA-046-2 obtaining UNA designation.

Containment Protocol

UNA-046-1 and UNA-046-2 are to be kept separately in 50cm cubic Pyrex glass cases, each stored in their own storage rooms in Site-008. Personnel are to ensure they are not within 15 meters of UNA-046-2 at all times, except for during testing.

Testing of UNA-046-2 is only permitted under the authority of Personnel-046-5. Personnel not directly tested by UNA-046-2 are not to be in the object's radius of effect for more that 5 minutes.


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