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Unexplainable Numbered Anomaly: 022

R. I. C. Class: Green-2-1

Object Properties: Corrosive Hazard, Temperature Hazard


UNA-022 is a beaker of liquid, similar in chemical composition to water. The liquid is able to alter its acidity via the addition of H+ or OH- ions from an unknown source1. The rate at which acidity changes is estimated to be around pH 3 per minute. While water does evaporate from the beaker, UNA-022's volume changing properties makes it so that the volume in the beaker reamins constant despite being left out in the open. This is not advised as gas that comes from UNA-022 retains its highly acidic or basic properties.

Liquid removed from the beaker do not retain this property, and stay at the pH at which they were removed. The beaker itself is impervious to corrosive damage, allowing it to hold UNA-022 regardless of its acidity.

The pH of UNA-022 changes depending on the closest mathematical equation near it. It is unknown how UNA-022 perceives this, however its acidity will change based on the solution to that equation2. If given a sheet of paper full of equations, UNA-022 typically considers and reacts to the first equation on the paper, following a rightward and downward direction. This effect extends to electronic devices such as calculators and computers3.

Because of UNA-022's properties, negative pH values and values over 14 are entirely possible. However at pH values below -14 and above 28, the acidity/basicity of UNA-022 becomes so high that it starts to display anomalous properties. At this point, UNA-022 begins to boil and increase rapidly in temperature, activating it's volume-changing properties. Additionally, UNA-022 releases gases of said acidities/basicities that leave extreme corrosive damage on all materials in contact with the gas.

UNA-022's volume-changing abilities are dependant on its temperature, and seems to increase in volume based on the temperature4. This is not simply due to expansion spaces between the liquid molecules, but in fact the addition of more water, H+ and OH- particles. At 25°C, UNA-022 has a volume of 500cm3, although it's potential volume seems to be infinite. While not yet achieved, it has been speculated that UNA-022 could reach a volume of 0cm3 at 0°K.


UNA-022 was first discovered in ████████ Middle School in █████████, USA in 20██, when UNA-022 suddenly increased in pH to around pH 65. This resulted in the release of corrosive fumes that caused severe acid burns in several of the school staff and students. At this point the Foundation was prompted to retrieve UNA-022.

All staff and students affected by UNA-022 were treated in a nearby hospital and administered amnestics by Foundation researchers disguised as doctors. All affected individuals were released to the public after a further week of observation.

Containment Protocol

UNA-022 is to be kept in Storage Room 22 in Site-003, covered with a glass plate. A special slot has been installed on the table UNA-022 is set on, withn which is a single sheet of paper with the equation "3 + 4 =" printed on it. This paper is never to be removed when not testing, and should be replaced immediately if damaged. Room 22 has been fitted with a thermostat capable of remotely changing the room's temperature from anywhere between -200°C and 200°C. The thermostat is to be set at 25°C except during testing. Room 22 is only accessible with permission from Clearance Class 4 personnel or higher.

All experiments conducted on UNA-022 is to be done in Room 22 itself, after removal of the sheet of paper from the slot. This sheet of paper is to be kept at a maximum of 10m from UNA-022 and is to be accessible by personnel at all times. Guards in corrosion-resistant suits5 should be on call at all times during the experiments. Personnel entering Room 22 are to be checked for scientific papers or other unauthorised materials. These materials, if found, are to be confiscated until that personnel leaves the room.

In case of a containment breach, the temperature in Room 22 is to be lowered to the lowest setting possible (-200°C). The room is to be evacuated, and guards are to enter with new sheets of paper, each saying "3 + 4 =" on them. Air vents in Room 22 are to be sealed shut immediately to prevent damage, until the pH of UNA-022 returns to normal. All corrosion on the surroundings are to be repaired as soon as possible.


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