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Unexplainable Numbered Anomaly: 017

R. I. C. Class: Yellow-3-4

Object Properties: Sentient, Microscopic


UNA-017 is a large virus, around 500 nanaometers in diameter, with appearance similar to the Ebola virus. UNA-017 has shown high potency, being able to be transmitted to an average of 3 other people over the course of its infection, through skin contact, droplets, and mixture of bodily fluids.

UNA-017 seems to specifically target people with higher salaries, although the amount required for UNA-017 to consider a person a target is still unknown. Testing has shown the lower limit to be around an annual salary of USD 13000, however people with much higher salaries have also shown resistance to the virus. Personnel such as EDPs have displayed complete immunity to UNA-017.

UNA-017 usually first manifests as the common flu, and exhibits no abnormal effects for the first 2 to 3 days of infection. After this period of time, however, people infected with UNA-017 begin to show an extreme will to give away their money to those who are financially suffering. Those infected by UNA-017 first begin sending money to family members, either physically or through tranfers between bank accounts. The infected can usually also be seen handing loose change to the homeless despite not having exhibited such generous behaviour before. As more time passes, UNA-017's effects become increasingly severe, and the infected have been recorded to donate anywhere between 80% and 100% of their savings to various charitable organisations.1

While UNA-017 displays no harmful effects other than the mentioned, those infected are quickly thrown into poverty. Any new money received by them will be donated as soon as possible. Due to the inability to care for themselves, their hygiene and nutritional needs, those infected by UNA-017 quickly perish of disease or starvation. People who are forcibly prevented from giving away their money have shown to be able to survive like normal humans, however the urge to donate will remain for as long as UNA-017 is in their body.

UNA-017 has shown extreme resilience to its surroundings, being able to survive outside a human host for more than 50 hours, and being able to withstand temperatures of up to 150°C.


While the origin of UNA-017 is unknown, much information has been gathered from personal logs of ██████████ ████, a researcher who worked with several other Russian scientists to produce anomalous bioweaponry.

UNA-017's effects were first witnessed in 1953, upon the death of Joseph Stalin, who had reportedly 'died of starvation'. Investigations made by several other political figures in Russia at the time also led to their deaths upon contracting UNA-017, prompting the Foundation to dispatch a research team to investigate. Several samples of UNA-017 were contained and returned for testing and analysis, while the rooms and offices of all Russian politicians at the time were subject to full cleansing and sanitisation. Surviving political figures were either kept in detainment for interrogation, or amnesticised before being released to the public. Stalin's death has been given the cover-up story of a cerebral haemorrhage.

Containment Protocol

UNA-017 is to be handled only by Clearance Level 1 personnel, who, due to lack of a salary, are completely immune to UNA-017. 5 agar plates, each containing a colony of UNA-017 instances are secured in Bio-Room 17 of the bio-research sector in Site-003. At no point are Clearance Level 3 and above personnel allowed within 10m of Bio-Room 17. Every week, three Clearance Level 1 personnel are to perform disinfection of the room.

Interaction with UNA-017 is limited only to non-organic testing. Personnel assigned to conduct tests are to wear full hazmat suits when dealing with UNA-017, and are to undergo full body cleansing afterwards. Testing on personnel is currently prohibited due to the sacrifice of important personnel to do so.


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