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Unexplainable Numbered Anomaly: 006

R. I. C. Class: Yellow-2-2

Object Properties: Degenerative, Temperature Hazard


UNA-006 is a spherical object measuring 3.5cm in radius,and weighing around 0.5kg, that appears to be made of some sort of plastic, although its true material is unknown. UNA-006 seems to be completely indestructible, showing to be immune to any form of damage, whether explosive, corrosive or heat-based. Brute force has also proven to be unsuccessful in damaging the object due to UNA-006's anomalous properties. As such it is unknown what is contained within UNA-0061.

When UNA-006 comes into contact with any object that is not liquid, UNA-006 will turn it into its liquid state. This applies to all non-liquid objects2. More specifically, the temperature of objects in contact with UNA-006 will anomalously release or absorb energy over a period of around 10 seconds, such that its temperature rises or falls to the point at which it turns liquid. In air, UNA-006 causes gas particles around it to condense at an extreme rate, resulting in a temperature decrease to -196°C. When in contact with a solid object, that object will increase its temperature until it melts. When in contact with plasma, [REDACTED]. causing the object to release explosive amounts of energy in only a small amount of time. This results in [REDACTED], as has the potential to cause damage to infrastructure with the power equivalent to ███ megatons of dynamite. So far, no experiments have been done involving the Bose-Einstein Condensate. These temperature changes do not affect UNA-006 in any way. However, all tested liquids and aqueous solutions have proven effective in containing UNA-006.

Objects that usually do not have a liquid state3, can do one of 2 things when in contact with UNA-006. They can either liquify as expected, or instantly combust. There is no known pattern as to which result will occur, and to all extents seems to be completely random.


UNA-006 was first discovered after an accident in a swimming complex located in ██████, Ohio, where the boiling of water in the swimming pool resulted in thrid degree burns on █ civilians and the subsequent release of chlorine gas. The complex was evacuated, and all civilians were administered Class A and B amnestics. UNA-006 was later located submerged in the pool water. It was deduced that UNA-006 was contacted by a person, who subsequently melted or combusted, resulting in the disaster. UNA-006 was later contained and moved to Site-012 by security team η-04.

Containment Protocols

UNA-006 is to be kept in Site-012, in a mixture of 3 parts water, 7 parts turpentine, to ensure that the density of the liquid allows UNA-006 to be submerged halfway into the liquid. UNA-006, and the liquid are to be contained in a box of ice, with dimensions 10cm x 10cm x 10cm, and all sides are to be 4cm thick. The box is to be kept in subzero conditions, with the room surrounding it set at a temperature below -50°C, and the floor covered in a thick sheet of ice. UNA-006 is to be constantly monitored through a security camera mounted at the top corner of the room, and any changes in the temperature of the box UNA-006 is contained in is to be reported to personnel of security class 006-5.

In the event that UNA-006 escapes its box, an immediate containment breach is to be called, and the room flooded with the same water-turpentine mixture. Security team η-04 is to enter the room and recontain UNA-006 by boxing it up in ice. In the event UNA-006 manages to melt its way through Site-012 and underground, a pool of water-turpentine mixture has been prepared about 25m below Site-012's basement floors. Security team η-04 is to be once again dispatched for recontainment. If UNA-006 somehow creaches this layer of containment as well, the anomaly should be deemed uncontained and no actions should be carried out to recontain UNA-006 at this point.

Experiments regarding UNA-006 are prohibited at this moment.


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